futuristicOS 8 does not support direct multitasking, however, an app can call another app (eg from Games to Network). futuristicOS 8 also remembers the last opened app, so that it runs from the lock screen directly when you press 3.
futuristicOS 8 uses the keys GRAPH and Y= to simplify the operation of futuristicOS 8. A command that is located in the lower left area of the screen can be accessed by pressing the Y= button. For commands that are in the lower right of the screen, the GRAPH key must be pressed for accessing them.
Data boxes appear in futuristicOS 8 often. When a data box is selected, up can be pressed to increase the value by 1, or down to decrease the value by 1.
In the lock screen and homescreen of futuristicOS 8.1 the calculator is switched off after a certain time if no key is pressed. This avoids that the calculator additionally burdens the battery by accidental activation or forgotten locks. Generally, it is recommended to lock the futuristicOS 8 if futuristicOS 8 is not used.
When running futuristicOS 8 errors can occur which are not attributable to futuristicOS 8.
It is necessary that the time and date are set correctly under MODE, to provide flawless execution of futuristicOS 8.
The execution of futuristicOS 8 can be interrupted by pressing the ON button at any time. In that case, the message ERR: BREAK with option 1: Quit appears, which must be selected. Although in this way futuristicOS 8 was terminated immediately, important data could be lost and the GRAPH screen as well as the Y= functions can be faulty. In this case it is recommended to restart futuristicOS 8 because futuristicOS 8 automatically recognizes the breaking through ON and then resets the GRAPH screen. futuristicOS 8 can then be completed in the lock screen after confirming the message by pressing CLEAR or 0. If the execution of futuristicOS 8 was interrupted in the lock screen, futuristicOS 8 must be unlocked and then interrupted again. Then futuristicOS must be restarted again to reset the GRAPH screen.
The crash of an app in futuristicOS 8 also causes futuristicOS 8 to crash. Crashes can occur in the CAS app when an equation is not solvable. If an other app crashes, futuristic should be contacted so that the error can be corrected. A restart of futuristicOS 8 resets the GRAPH screen.
If an ERR:MEMORY shows up at start or when loading an app, option 1: Quit should be selected. In this case of the calculator has not enough free RAM memory, which prevents the loading of futuristicOS 8 or apps. Now press 2ND + MEM [+]> 2: Mem Mgmt / Del ... > 1: All ... . Archived or remove items that are in RAM (without star) until enough RAM (at least 8000 bytes) remains free. An element can be archived by pressing Enter or deleted by pressing DEL.